ExpanDrive Server EditionExpanDrive for Windows and Linux servers.
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Cloud storage for Servers 
$ exfs --help ExpanDrive 7.6.3 Usage: ExpanDrive [OPTION...] --help Print help --config Launch web-based user-interface --list List all configured connections --foreground Keep exfs in the foreground --sync Enable sync write operations --register license_key Install license key --trial email Request 7 day trial license --mount drive_name Mount a drive --unmount drive_name Unmount a drive --unmount-all Unmount all drives
Bridge the gap between the filesystem and cloud storage for your server. Access remote storage without needing to sync, as a network filesystem on Linux or Windows Server.
Designed as a system service 

Run ExpanDrive as a system service for unattended or headless installations on Windows and Linux. You can mount a drive for all users of the system, including system processes. Additionally, on Windows you can easily re-share cloud storage via SMB on the network making your drives available to other users.
Multi-user file locking 

ExpanDrive now propagates lock files in Microsoft Office documents across the cloud. If a user is editing an Office document, other users will only be able to open that document read-only until the editing user closes it.
Connect to any Cloud

Connect to all major cloud storage providers, or your own server. With a single app you can connect to:
Amazing Reviews
“ExpanDrive lets you mount remote sftp drives and it actually works! I.e. no long delays or dropped connection in the middle of a save.”
Allan Odgaard, TextMate
“My first impression after reading ExpanDrive’s promotional description last week was that it sounded too good to be true. One week later, I’m pretty sure it actually is that good.”
John Gruber, Daring Fireball
Cloud storage in every application

Add cloud storage, like Google, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Sharepoint, and more to every application on your computer. ExpanDrive builds a secure connection from the filesystem to the cloud. Open, edit, and save files to remote computers from within your favorite programs — even when they are on a server half a world away.
Super-fast background uploads 

ExpanDrive has multi-threaded connection engine that is up to 500% faster that previous version. ExpanDrive performs parallel transfers in the background so that you have a reliable transfer even in the face of unreliable internet. Keep working and stop waiting for transfers to complete.
Usage is subject to our License agreement.